Nathan Kinnaman, Farm Shield Insurance Director with Extensive Agricultural Expertise


Growing up in a close-knit farming community, Nathan Kinnaman learned the value of a strong work ethic and support from an early age. Being involved in 4H, showing cattle and pigs, laid the foundation for his work ethic and love for agriculture. Today, as a specialist in agribusiness and livestock insurance, Nathan strives to build connections with farmers and fully understand their insurance needs.  

Hailing from Guide Rock, a charming small town in Nebraska, he has a deep appreciation for the agricultural roots that run through the community. He and his wife Vanessa have been together for 24 years, raising 5 children together. While two of their children have moved with them to Alabama, the others remain in Nebraska, allowing me to maintain my connection to both communities.  


“My childhood memories of my mom's horses and our move from the city to the countryside have shaped my understanding of farm life. From throwing hay bales to detasseling corn, I have experienced the hard work and determination required to thrive in the agricultural industry.”  


One of my most vivid memories is struggling with the weight of a bucket of grain as a young child. It taught me the physical demands and challenges of farming and the emotional attachment that develops with animals. These experiences have fostered my ability to connect with farmers on a personal level.  


 Agriculture has always been a pillar in Nathan’s life, with his background in insurance beginning with the desire to be involved in agriculture. Having initially considered a career in banking, he was steered towards insurance by his own agent, who saw the potential in him. He has since gained over 15 years of experience, achieving recognition as a top 10% farm writer at American Family Insurance in his time there, as well as digging further into farm insurance when obtaining his AFIS designation.   


“There was certainly a since of pride and joy getting that designation because it solidified what I wanted to do with ag insurance. There is a sense of admiration, respect, hard work, and determination that you develop when working with farmers and operators that you cannot duplicate in doing something else.”  


Nathan discusses the many fascinating aspects of the ever-changing ag industry, particularly the impact of imports, exports, and technological advancements. When we are looking at the yields of what farmers are harvesting, the different seeds, and the knowledge of fertilizer and inputs to expand their yield, it is unmistakably apparent that technology has come far. The technological advancements in farm equipment for example, show how the ag industry is moving forward. The ability to effortlessly upload data from a grain cart straight to crop insurance systems is a perfect example of how modern technology can revolutionize efficiency and accuracy in farming, as well as increase the capacity of support farmers get from there agent.  


Nathan prioritizes the important conversations that encourage educating the local communities.   


“Discussing with non-agricultural individuals the role that local town farmers play in producing staple crops like corn is enlightening. It is important to understand where our food comes from and the products that stem from it.”  


Community involvement and relationship building is a top priority in the insurance world, but Nathan lives this in his day-to-day life. By developing the Farm Shield brand, Nathan aims to utilize his expertise and historical knowledge to bridge the gap between farmers and customers.   


Educating and reaching out to others about the importance of agriculture is one of many ways that our local communities will continue to understand the way agriculture is also a part of their everyday life, and that is why we need to protect it.  


“As I continue to expand my knowledge in the agricultural industry, I embrace the opportunity to share that knowledge with the next generation of farmers. Whether it's introducing my children to the inner workings of a cotton gin or relating to other farmers through my experiences, I am committed to supporting the growth of the agricultural community.”  


Building the name and brand of Farm Shield, while benefiting from Steve's expertise, historical knowledge of farmers and their growth to better connect with customers has been an invaluable combo to the success of Farm Shield’s first year. By combining Nathan's passion for agriculture with his insurance expertise, Nathan provides the best possible support and guidance to farmers in protecting their livelihoods.